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Prospective Students

Students with an SLLC major or minor can expect to attain a firm command of a second or foreign language and an understanding of linguistics, literature, and film, grounded in the cultures of the world. Students in our graduate programs hone their mastery of theoretical concepts, critical writing ability, knowledge of literature, culture, and linguistics, both general and specialized; and the ability to conduct original research. 

Learn more about what we have to offer

Academic Programs

A shot of HJ Patterson Hall with students passing in front of it on sidewalk

Undergraduate Programs

We invite all undergraduate students with a keen interest in seeing and communicating with fresh eyes and mind to study with us, to collaborate, to investigate, to speak and be heard.

Explore Undergraduate Programs
A globe

Graduate Programs

Our four graduate programs provide training for careers in academia, the government, secondary education, and the private sector.

Explore Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Program Contacts

Ali Abasi

Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Associate Professor, Advisor, Persian
Associate Professor, Roshan Institute for Persian Studies

3112 H.J. Patterson Hall
College Park MD, 20742

(301) 405-2375

Marianne Conroy

Lecturer, English
Cinema and Media Studies

3229 Tawes Hall
College Park MD, 20742

(301) 405-9651

Zhanna Gerus-Vernola

Maya Brin Distinguished Lecturer, Russian Advisor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Senior Lecturer, Russian

4211 Jiménez Hall
College Park MD, 20742

(301) 405-7376

Regina Haag

School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Associate Clinical Professor, UG Advisor, German Studies

3224 Jiménez Hall
College Park MD, 20742

(301) 405-4096

Ahmed Hanafy

Senior Lecturer, Faculty Language Partner Program Coordinator, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Senior Lecturer and Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Arabic
Member, Maryland Language Science Center

3126 H.J. Patterson Hall
College Park MD, 20742

(301) 405-3015

Guiling Hu

Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Senior Lecturer and Advisor, Chinese

4223 Jiménez Hall
College Park MD, 20742

(301) 405-4541

Seong Minne Koh

Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Lecturer, Korean

2103 Jiménez Hall
College Park MD, 20742

Christopher Lewis

Assistant Clinical Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Assistant Clinical Professor, Advisor, Spanish and Portuguese

2211 Jiménez Hall
College Park MD, 20742

(301) 405-6556

Thayse Lima

Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Associate Professor and Advisor, Spanish and Portuguese
Affiliate Faculty, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center
Faculty Fellow for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, College of Arts and Humanities

2210 Jiménez Hall
College Park MD, 20742

Michele Mason

Associate Professor, Japanese Minor Advisor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Associate Professor and Program Director, Japanese

2106B Jiménez Hall
College Park MD, 20742

Marilyn Matar

Director, Language House
Assistant Clinical Professor and LH Director, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Assistant Clinical Professor, French
Honors Humanities Faculty Fellow, College of Arts and Humanities

3106F Jimenez Hall
College Park MD, 20742

Hannah Wegmann

Assistant Clinical Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Assistant Clinical Professor and Undergraduate Advisor, French

3106G Jiménez Hall
College Park MD, 20742

(301) 405-4032

Additional Programs

A photo of the spire of a building on campus

Special Programs

We invite you to discover offerings in Flagship Language programs, the Summer Institute, an immersion Living/Learning program, as well as immersion programs abroad, an on-site Language Partner program, and the Roshan Center for Persian Studies, a landmark institution for the promotion of Persian language and culture.

Explore Special Programs
Signs that point to various world cities

Education Abroad

Students in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures are encouraged to study abroad. We believe it to be an invaluable opportunity, and know that it will be the experience of a lifetime.

Explore Education Abroad