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Italian Honor Society

Gamma Kappa Alpha, the National Italian Honor Society, University of Maryland Chapter

The Gamma Kappa Alpha National Italian Honor Society is an organization formed to acknowledge superior scholastic performance in the field of Italian language, literature and culture, and is open to membership at institutions of higher learning in the United States and Canada.

The society encourages college students to acquire a greater interest in, and a deeper understanding of, Italian life and culture. One of the primary goals of the organization is to recognize outstanding achievement in the field of Italian studies by inducting meritorious students of the University of Maryland chapter into the Italian National Honor Society.

Members of the local chapters of the GKA are eligible to apply for scholarships offered by the national chapter on an annual basis. For details on eligibility requirements visit the Gamma Kappa Alpha website.

Constitution, Eligibility, and Application

Constitution and Bylaws

Constitution of Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society
University of Maryland Chapter
We, the members of Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society, do hereby adopt this constitution in order to carry out our purpose to the fullest of our ability.
Article I- Name
This organization will be called Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society. It may be referred to as either Gamma Kappa Alpha, or the Italian Honor Society.
Article II- Purpose
The purpose of Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society is to recognize students’ outstanding academic achievement in the fields of Italian language, literature and culture. In recognizing the scholastic performance of exceptional individuals at the University of Maryland, Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society seeks to encourage among college students a greater understanding of and interest in Italian culture.
Article III- Membership
1.     Membership will be limited to any University of Maryland faculty from the Italian Department and to any student enrolled in an academic program who meets or exceeds the following criteria:
ITAL and ROML majors (combination of ITAL/FREN or ITAL/SPAN) who are actively engaged in the study if Italian language, literature and culture.
Members must be of junior standing, or have completed at least five ITAL courses beyond the intermediate level, with a grade of B or above.
ITAL minors who have completed at least five ITAL courses beyond the intermediate level with a grade of B or above.
Overall academic GPA of 3.0 or above.
Academic GPA in Italian of 3.5 or above.
Students must demonstrate a commitment to the study of Italian and to fostering Italian cultural events on campus, and therefore must attend 50% of the events             offered throughout the semester.
Payment in full of organization fees prior to application deadline, $30.
2.     Potential members of Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society will be chosen by the faculty of the University of Maryland Department of Italian Department, and will be given the opportunity to apply for membership at the beginning of each semester. At the beginning of each semester, the Italian faculty will also decide on a deadline for the new applicants.
3.     At the end of each semester, graduating members will be honored in a ceremony where they will be given a certificate to honor their participation in Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society.
4.      If a member feels that she/he is unable to meet the expectations of Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society, including inability to pay the organization fees and inability to attend the required number of events, she/he is permitted to voluntarily withdraw from the organization. Similarly, the officers and administrators of Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society may vote to eliminate a member for not adhering to the requirements.
5.      Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society does not restrict membership or discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, personal appearance, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of rights secured by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Neither does the organization violate any University policies.
Article IV- Officers:
1.     Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society will be governed by an administration of faculty and elected officers. The officers of the University of Maryland Chapter of Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society will include:
One faculty director from the Italian Department to preside over all matters when there are disagreements.
One student president with the potential for two co-presidents.
One student vice president who must attend all events and meetings the president is not present at, and who must fill in for the president when otherwise unavailable.
One treasurer/secretary with the potential for an assistant treasurer/secretary, who will supervise the allocations of funds, dues of new members and, new memberships, and who will monitor the account of this organization. They are also responsible for providing the minutes for each meeting.
One events coordinator with the potential for an assistant events coordinator who will have the responsibility of organizing two events per month during the active semesters for the Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society members to attend.
2.     The meetings will be presided by the faculty director and president(s), but are required to be attended by all officers.
Article V- Operations
1.     The officers and administration of the University of Maryland chapter of Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society will be granted voting rights in matters of bylaws and constitutional matters, such as amendments. Each member has the ability to vote in officer elections.
2.     All student officers will be elected by the members of Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society. Elections will be held every semester, in May for the officers of the Fall Semester and in December for the officers of the Spring Semester. Any member of Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society is eligible to campaign for a position in the administration.
3.     The electing of new officials shall be done anonymously by secret ballot, which will be counted by the treasurer/secretary. Matters requiring only officials and administration to vote will be done in private, but not anonymously.
4.      If it is deemed that an officer is unfit to fill their position, the officers and administration may vote to relieve them of their duties. However, this does not necessarily mean they are entirely removed from the organization. A second voting would be required to eliminate them entirely from Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society.
Article VI- Amendments
Any officer or member of the Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society administration may propose an amendment, which will then be voted upon by the rest of the officers and administrators in private, but not anonymously.
Article VII- Renewal
1.     Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society will apply to the Stamp Student Union for registration on an annual basis in May during the time of officer elections.
Article VIII- Finances
1.     After the application deadline of each semester, it is the duty of the treasurer and the faculty director to collect all membership fees and then send them to the Gamma Kappa Alpha National Italian Honor Society.
By Laws
1.     Meetings
            a. All meetings will occur on a monthly basis, the dates to be selected by the standing officials and administration at the beginning of each semester.
2.     Addition of Bylaws
            a. Bylaws may be proposed in the same manner as amendments and will be voted upon by the officials and administration. 

Standard Requirements for Membership

  1. Italian Studies and Romance Languages majors (with a combination Italian/French or Italian/Spanish) who are actively engaged in the study of Italian language, literature and culture
  2. Students who are majoring in Italian Studies or Romance Languages who must be in their junior year or at least have completed five courses beyond the intermediate level with a grade of B or above
  3. ITAL minors who have completed at least five courses in Italian beyond the intermediate level with a grade of B or above
  4. Overall academic GPA of 3.0 or above
  5. Academic GPA in Italian of 3.5 or above
  6. Students must demonstrate a commitment to the study of Italian and to fostering Italian cultural events on campus
  7. The academic transcript submitted by the student applying for membership shall be the basis for determining eligibility to the GKA Italian Honor Society
  8. Application fee of  $30 payable to GKA – University of MD – Italian Honor Society


Please see the attached document for information about application.

Italian National Honor Society Application


Giuseppe Falvo

Program Director and Associate Professor, Romance Languages, Italian
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

4106 Jiménez Hall
College Park MD, 20742

(301) 405-4031