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Prospective Students and Mentors

The Language House application is open to students for entry the following semester. Please see below for deadlines and requirements. 

Prospective Students

The Language House is a program open to students committed to learning deeply about language and culture in an immersive environment. Students interested in the Language House need to be at an intermediate level of oral proficiency and will be interviewed by a language faculty member as soon as they apply to the program. Students from any year (freshman and above) and any major are encouraged to apply for the program. It is not required to major or minor in a language to join the Language House. The admission process is based on a review of the student’s application, their language proficiency, their motivation and commitment to the requirements of the program, as well as a sound academic record. Eleven languages are available: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Russian, and Spanish.

Apply now for either semester!


For Fall 2025: best consideration is February 3, 2025. Applications will stay open until March 3, 2025. For Spring 2026 admission, applications will stay open until November 1, 2025.

Transfer students, please contact the director with questions regarding your application, even past these deadlines!

Student Application

Program Requirements

  • Students must be enrolled in a course in the target language during every semester that they live in the Language House to ensure steady progress in the target language through both formal and informal instruction
  • Uphold the immersion environment by speaking the target language consistently and within the respective language cluster
  • Attend and actively participate in the weekly cluster meetings and activities
  • Participate and help organize Language House-wide activities and events

How Can I Apply to Become a Language House Student?

The application involves:

Completing an initial application form, including an essay (in English). Successful applications will then be contacted to schedule an oral interview with a faculty member.

Application Deadline

For Fall 2025: best consideration is February 3 though applications will stay open until March 3, 2025. For Spring 2026, applications will stay open until November 1, 2025. Transfer students, please contact the director with questions regarding your application, even past these deadlines!

Housing Information

The Language House students reside in St. Mary’s Hall, part of the North Hill Community.
Admitted students must fill out a housing agreement to be included in the Resident Life roster.

For additional information or questions, please contact the Language House Immersion Program Director by phone at (301) 405-6996 or by email at

Prospective Mentors

Language Mentors are native speakers who lead one of our language clusters. Mentors foster linguistic and cultural learning and immersion and engage cluster students in their community through various culturally relevant activities. Mentors are supported in this work by the Language House administration and SLLC faculty.

Mentors are recruited on a rolling basis!

Mentor Application

Responsibilities and Benefits

Responsibilities Include:

  • Encouraging and promoting interaction in the target language. Mentors should speak in the target language at all times.
  • Monitoring the students' progress in the target language; mentors should spend time with each of the students on a regular basis.
  • Planning and implementing a range of interactive activities that will engage students both linguistically and culturally. Some examples of such activities are: events with faculty and students from countries that speak the target language, cooking events, museum visits, lectures, game nights, study breaks, film screenings and discussions, etc.
  • Communicating linguistic progress and providing bi-weekly updates on cluster activities with the director of the Language House.
  • Participating in professional development, including leadership training, as well as Language House-wide events.
  • Working with the faculty liaison and your language program.
  • Assisting in the recruitment and retention of students in the cluster by attending recruitment events and conducting classroom visits.

Benefits Include:

  • $18/hour salary (Hours range from 7-14/week based on the size of the cluster).
  • Monthly professional development opportunities for developing leadership, mentoring, and communication skills.
  • Gain experience and skills in linguistic and cultural teaching.
  • Build your résumé or CV.
  • Earn a micro credential badge in Mentorship in Language and Culture Immersion, which can be displayed on your LinkedIn profile and professional portfolio.
  • Develop relationships with university faculty.
  • Become part of a vibrant, supportive, and helpful community of faculty and staff.


Preferred Qualifications

  • Native or near-native speaker of the desired cluster's target language. 
  • Be organized, creative, and motivated. 
  • Able to work with diverse people. 
  • Have teaching or leadership experience.
  • International students (graduate and undergraduate) who are able to work on campus are encouraged to apply.

How Can I Apply to Become a Language House Mentor?

The application is accessible here.

The Application Involves:

Completing an initial application, including an essay in English and two references who can attest to your leadership. Successful applications will then be contacted to schedule an interview with the director.

Application Deadline:

The application is always open. We hire new mentors on an as-needed basis.

For additional information or questions
Please contact the Language House Immersion Program Director by phone at (301) 405-6996 or by email at

Housing Information
Mentors may choose to reside in St. Mary’s Hall if they are undergraduate students; if so, mentors must fill out a housing agreement to be included in the Resident Life roster.