The Fifth Wave: Contemporary Russian Culture and Exile

The Fifth Wave: Contemporary Russian Culture and Exile
College of Arts and Humanities | English | Russian | School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Friday, November 8, 2024
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
St Mary’s Hall,
Multipurpose Room
We welcome you to "The Fifth Wave: Contemporary Russian Culture in Exile," a scholarly symposium in honor of Maxim Osipov's residency at UMD as part of the Maya Brin Residency Program. This symposium features specialists on contemporary Russian culture from a range of disciplines. The topics to be discussed include Russian culture under Putinism, negotiating Russophone identities in exile, and the current "fifth wave" of emigrants who fled Russia in the wake of its brutal and ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
Breakfast and welcome
Session 1 – Post-Soviet Russian Culture
- Discussant: Nancy Condee (University of Pittsburgh)
- Sean Griffin (University of Notre Dame)
“Putin’s Holy War of the Fatherland: Sacred Memory and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine” - Holly Myers (University of Delaware)
“A Nightingale’s Obsession with Afghanistan: Alexander Prokhanov and His Recurring Dream of Empire
and Violence” - Bradley Gorski (Georgetown University)
“Literary Autarky and Ressentiment under Putin” - Maya Vinokour (New York University)
“Media Culture of the Russian 1990s"
Session 2 – Roundtable: Russian Emigration: The Fifth Wave in Context
- Maxim Osipov (editor-in-chief, Fifth Wave magazine)
- Mikhail Epstein (Emory University)
- Fabrizio Fenghi (Brown University)
- Lioudmila Fedorova (Georgetown University)
Concluding remarks
- Boris Dralyuk (University of Tulsa)