Professor Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia Publishes New Book
April 05, 2016

SPAP Professor Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia Publishes First Part of Study on Caribbean Literature
We would like to congratulate Professor Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia on his most recent published work entitled La hoja del mar (:) Efecto archipiélago I (2016), on Almenara Editors, Leiden. This new book of essays is the first part of a two-part study of Caribbean literature and the result of a Guggenheim fellowship that he received in 2010.
Professor Quintero has authored numerous research books as well as poetry collections, and has contributed to many journals, both academic and literary. His areas of interest include Modern and Contemporary Latin American Literature, Contemporary Puerto Rican and Cuban Literatures, Caribbean Literatures and Cultures, Literary Theory, Cultural Analysis, Poetics and Politics, and Sensoriality and Archipelagic poetics.