French Program announces events for French Week
October 24, 2022

In recognition of National French Week in November, the Department of French and Italian invites you to several events to celebrate the French language and culture.
November 1st, 4-5pm: TAPIF Virtual Info Session. Would you like to move to France after graduating? Join several of our UMD French alum who are currently participating or have participated to hear about working with the Teaching Assistant Program in France. Find out how teaching English in France could allow you to spend a year living overseas and set you up for a variety of careers upon returning. RSVP here for the Zoom link.
November 7th & 8th, 10-3: Journées portes ouvertes: Stop by our office in Jmz 3106 for an open house with croissants and coffee. Chat with the French advisor or Language House director or meet someone new from another French class. Ask questions about study abroad, internships, or course requirements. And of course, enjoy a pain au chocolat from one of the best French bakeries in the area.
November 11th, 3:30-5: Tour of the National Gallery: Join us for a special tour of the National Gallery. One of the museum representatives will be walking us through the French collections. The tour will be in English, so students of all levels are invited to participate. The National Gallery is easily available by public transport and meet-up instructions will be provided closer to the date. RSVP here.