French Department Honors and Awards
May 31, 2022

As the academic year ends, we want to congratulate the Spring 2022 recipients of French and SLLC undergraduate scholarships and awards. These students were nominated by faculty and instructors and chosen for their skill and interest in French.
Julia Giglio AATF Outstanding Senior in French
I am graduating in Spring 2022 with a dual Bachelors degree in Finance & International Business and French. I plan on pursuing a Masters in Supply Chain Management after graduation and working for a Franco-American company in the future.
Emily Kasprzyk SLLC Donald Hirsch Scholarship
Taking French classes has inspired my love of learning languages and I am happy to be a part of UMD’s francophone community! I am pursuing a double major in French language and English, am a creative writer at the Jiménez-Porter Writers’ House, and this year I’ve also been taking some Korean language classes for fun. I find that my studies overlap a lot– learning to read in another language has been a gratifying way to develop an in-depth understanding of French culture and expand my worldview in general. I am also planning to study abroad in Nice next spring!
Vanessa Bien-Aimé SLLC Valerie Van Mach Choudhury Endowed Scholarship for Romance Languages
My name is Vanessa Bien-Aime, and I am a first-year student at the University of Maryland. I am currently studying Romance Languages, specifically the French and Spanish concentrations. I have been studying French for seven years and recently started learning Spanish. I enjoy both languages, and I am passionate about learning languages in general!
Caprielle Woehr AATF Excellence in French
I am hoping to amalgamate my degrees in French and sustainability to pursue environmental protection and sustainable agriculture abroad - notably in francophone countries. I am thrilled to have been granted the opportunity to teach English next academic year in Reims, France!
Ariane Sharifi AATF Excellence in French
I am a graduating senior double majoring in Government & Politics (International Relations concentration) and French Language & Literature. I have been studying French since elementary school and am incredibly passionate about languages, speaking Farsi fluently as well. After graduation, I am planning to pursue TAPIF next year and become an English Teaching Assistant in Versailles. I plan to pursue law school following my year abroad, hoping to practice international trade law and use my French in the court room.
Congratulations to the students inducted into Pi Delta Phi, the prestigious French national honor society:
Ada Beams • Léandra Cormier • Teresa Kustas • Laurien Laufman • Julia Giglio • Caitlyn Harper • Kaitlyn Peters • Rachael Termini
Maxine Asenso Outstanding French Minor
I came to the University of Maryland knowing that I wanted to study French in addition to my primary course of study of economics. I have always loved languages and was determined to learn at least one new language by college graduation. Learning French at UMD has been a fulfilling experience, and I am grateful for the many opportunities to study and engage with both language and culture. As I pursue a career in the legal field, I am hoping to use the lessons learned and skills gained from the French department to engage with international parties as clients or even business partners.
Josephine Fallon Excellence in Intermediate French
Bonjour! My name is Josephine Fallon and I am a Government and Politics IR major with minors in French and MIDCM. I plan to use French to pursue working in the international relations field with the United Nations and the US Agency for International Development. I want to use French in my work overseas to promote conflict resolution so I can improve people's lives and make a difference.
Recipients of French Department Scholarships to participate in Maryland-in-Nice Fall 2022:
Ada Beams • Paulina Leder • Grayson McCord • Saran Ram
Teresa Kustas French Cluster Language House Scholarship for Returning Resident
SLLC Dr. Anna Bartsch-Dunne Language House Scholarship
I'm majoring in Communication and minoring in French and Sustainability Studies. I'm interested in environmental issues, especially climate change. I'm studying abroad in Montpellier this summer, and I hope to continue using French in the future whether for work or when traveling.
Tayla Horn SLLC Dr. Anna Bartsch-Dunne Language House Scholarship
I am going into my senior year of Communication with a specialization in Digital Media and a minor in French. While I am currently finishing my second year of studying French, the courses and immersion programs at UMD helped me navigate my way around France during my study abroad program. I am looking forward to strengthening my spoken French and learning more about the various cultures I will be able to connect with.
Recipients of French Department Scholarships to participate in Maryland-in-Montpellier Summer 2022:
Arturo Alipio • Kennedy Essex • Josephine Pallon • Ariel Hammerash • Olivia Holland • Melisa Kocak • Teresa Kustas • Miles Piña • Emily Kombe • Mauricio Ortiz-Tapia
Frances Riley French Cluster Language House Scholarship for New Resident
I'm a Freshman Environmental Science and Policy major who will be living in the French cluster of the Language House beginning in the fall of 2022. I hope to use French to collaborate with others on issues such as climate change, biodiversity, and deforestation. I also hope to use French as a springboard to learn other languages such as Spanish.
Yuna Huggs SLLC Donald Hirsch Scholarship
Ariel Sheinberg Excellence in Intermediate French
Adam Cooper Excellence in Intermediate French
Special recognition to three of our graduating seniors who have been selected to participate in the TAPIF Program:
Caitlyn Harper • Ariane Sharifi • Caprille Woehr