Aula de las Diásporas/Diasporas Studies (Diasporas & Borders)
September 01, 2023

Triangles and African, American and European Diasporas August 23-25
Aula de las Diásporas/Diasporas Studies (Diasporas & Borders) is an academic initiative directed by José María Naharro-Calderón, Department of Spanish & Portuguese School of Languages, Literatures & Culture, University of Maryland, College Park (USA) in order to study, at the Casa de la Cultura (Excelentísimo Ayuntamiento de Llanes, Asturias, Spain), the complex historical and present day phenomena of borderlands, diasporas, displacements, and exiles that have shaped the history of humanity since remote times.
For the past twenty two years (2002-), different specialists and protagonists have shared their knowledge and stories about the implications of forced and transnational displacements, emanating, but not exclusively, from the half million 1939 Spanish Civil War exile and its transnational presence across the WWII conflict and its aftermath. The plight of children, women and other minorities from planetary diasporas, the impact of present day African and Middle East migrations longing for protection and refuge in the European Union, the presence of images (visual arts, photography and film) as a way of sharing and focusing on this vast network of asylum seekers, the narration of resistors and survivors, all have created a diverse and rich patchwork of noteworthy contributions about diasporas and borders.
In 2024, a 22 year selected volume (2002-2023) will be published as a supplement of the journal, "Migraciones & Exilios: Cuadernos de AEMIC”.