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2016-17 Capaa And Rasa Award Recipients

May 24, 2016 Art | Art History and Archaeology | College of Arts and Humanities | English | History | Linguistics | School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures | School of Music | School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies

The College of Arts and Humanities extends its congratulations to outstanding faculty for RASA and CAPPA awards.

The College of Arts and Humanities extends its congratulations to outstanding faculty who have been named 2016-17 recipients of the Creative and Performing Arts Awards (CAPAA) or Research and Scholarship Awards (RASA) from the University of Maryland’s Graduate School.


CAPPA supports artistic activities and are awarded to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty. Faculty who receive a semester award are excused from teaching duties during the period for which the CAPAA was granted. Those who receive a summer CAPAA will receive a $9,000 stipend for two months during the summer for which the award is granted. To be eligible for the summer award the faculty member needs to hold a 9 – 9 ½ appointment, which means they do not have teaching responsibilities over the summer. The most recent CAPAA summer awardees will apply the award to summer 2016.

ARHU’s semester CAPAA recipients include:

Faedra Carpenter, Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies

Howard Norman, Department of English

ARHU’s summer CAPAA recipients include:

Thomas DeLio, School of Music

Eric Kutz, School of Music

Irina Muresanu School of Music

Foon Sham, Department of Art


RASA are awarded to full-time tenure and tenure-track faculty. The awards support research and scholarship. Faculty who receive a semester award are excused from teaching duties during the period for which the RASA was granted. Faculty who receive a summer RASA will receive a $9,000 stipend for two months during the summer for which the award is granted. To be eligible for the summer award the faculty member needs to hold a 9 – 9 ½ appointment, which means they do not have teaching responsibilities over the summer. The most recent RASA summer awardees will apply the award to summer 2016.

ARHU semester RASA Recipients:

Mercedes Baillargeon, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Ralph Bauer, Department of English

*Richard Bell, Department of History

Bobby Benedicto, Department of Women’s Studies

Oliver Gaycken, Department of English

Julie Greene, Department of History

Valentine Hacquard, Department of Linguistics

Piotr H Kosicki, Department of History

Jason Kuo, Department of Art History and Archaeology

Abigail McEwen, Department of Art History and Archaeology

Fernando Rios, School of Music

ARHU summer RASA Recipients:

Channon Adsanatham, Department of English

Christopher Bonner, Department of History

Joseph Falvo, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

David Freund, Department of History

Michelle Murray Yang, Department of Communication

Xiaoli Nan, Department of Communication

Gerard Passannante, Department of English

Chantel Rodriguez, Department of History

Peter Wien, Department of History


For more information about the CAPPA and RASA awards, visit the Graduate School.

*Deferred until 2016-2017