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Travel Guidelines and Forms

Travel Approval / Reimbursement Process

What's New with Concur

  1. Approval must be obtained via Concur prior to any domestic and international travel.
    • Concur approval flow for faculty and staff:
      • Faculty member - fills out travel details in Concur
      • Program Head/supervisor - confirms reason for travel is valid for funding, approves request
      • SLLC Admin Affairs - confirms available travel funds, provides Fiscal Officer approval
    • Concur approval flow for graduate students:
      • Student - fills out travel details in Concur to get cost estimates for the SLLC Supplemental TAR
      • Student - obtains Program Head and DGS signatures on SLLC Supplemental TAR, attaches to Concur, submits Concur request
      • SLLC Admin Affairs - confirms available travel funds, provides Fiscal Officer approval
  2. Airfare and Train Tickets must be booked in Concur or through Collegiate Travel Planners (CTP). Reservations can be made and paid for using the ghost/virtual card that is already part of your Concur profile or UMD TCard if you have one. You can also pay using your personal credit card and get reimbursed.
  3. Per Diem is automatically calculated by Concur using the following rates based on your destination. Departure and return dates are eligible for 75% of per diem.
  4. Travel Card (TCard) – UMD employees can request their own UMD Travel Credit Cards (known as a TCard) for travel and business hosting expenses. Use the following entries on your TCard request: Report Name: Your Name + TCard; Reason for Card: Frequent or International Traveler; Company: (01) UMCP; Type: USource; Worktag#: US000457; Monthly Credit Amount: $5,000. You will be notified 7-10 days after completing the required TCard training to schedule a day/time to pick up your card. For more detailed information on the TCard program, please visit Travel Card (Tcard) & Expense Reports.
  5. Lodging can be booked in Concur or through CTP. If traveling to a conference or event that offers a discounted hotel rate, book the hotel room through the conference or event website to ensure the group discount is applied.
  6. Collegiate Travel Planners (CTP)  is the UMD Designated Travel Management Company. CTP is available to assist travelers with complex international travel and arrange for group travel events.  Contact CTP for agent-assisted bookings at: Phone 833-620-0714 (toll free) or during normal business hours.
  7. CTP Travel Team Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-6:00 pm ET
  8. Booking Fees: Online booking with Concur = $3.50; CTP agent-assisted = $25.00
    International CTP agent-assisted = $27.00

Concur Resources & Support

SLLC Travel Funding Policy

Other UMD Travel Grant Opportunities for Faculty and Students


  • Global Partnerships-Faculty Travel Grants - Sponsored by the UMD Office of International Affairs, funds up to $5,000 support one faculty member to travel to one or more existing UMD partner institutions to develop new collaborative projects and programs, or to improve the implementation of existing projects.

Graduate Students:

  • ARHU Graduate Student Travel Award - The College of Arts and Humanities awards funds to support the professional development of its graduate students through the presentation of original work.
  • Graduate School Travel Grants - To defray the expenses incurred by UMD graduate students who are traveling to scholarly, scientific, or professional conferences to present papers, posters, or other scholarly material. Check the above website for eligibility and application details.

Concur Travel Request (Process & Job Aid)

  1. Log into Concur. For help with logging into Concur, see Concur Login Help.
  2. First-time users must set up your Concur profile: Concur Job Aid: User Profile Setup.
  3. No travel should be booked prior to approval of a Travel Request. Note: Trip Cancellation Insurance is considered a personal expense and is not reimbursable per University System travel policy.
  4. Follow Concur Job Aid: Travel Request.
  5. Concur Travel Requests must include the following:
    • Trip Name / Purpose: Conference name or brief description of trip
      • MLA 2022 Annual Meeting
      • Invited Talk at Univ of Michigan
      • Summer Research in France
    • Detailed Business Purpose: Detailed trip description
      • Present paper on <topic> at MLA 2022 Annual Meeting
      • Give invited talk on <topic> at Univ of Michigan
      • Conduct research in Paris, France, as part of French Program Summer Research Travel Award for Graduate Students
    • Required documentation to prove funding eligibility if requesting SLLC Travel Funding. See SLLC Travel Funding Policy section for what is required.
    • Supplemental SLLC Travel Approval Request Form for Graduate Students – Signed form must be attached to the Concur Travel Request if requesting SLLC Travel Funding.
  6. NEW WITH WORKDAY: Company: (01) UMCP; Type: USource; Worktag#: Change filter to "Either". Search for new Worktag by using previous KFS # or ask Admin Affairs for the correct Worktag you should use if unsure.
  7. For SLLC Travel Funding, the total amount of the Concur Travel Request must not exceed your available funding amount.
  8. To request additional travel funds, send an email to and include trip details and anticipated costs. If approved, you must attach a copy of the approval email to your Travel Request in Concur.
  9. Once a Travel Request is approved, you may proceed with booking your flight, train, and lodging through Concur.

Concur Expense Report - Travel Reimbursement (Process & Job Aid)

  1. Submit an Expense Report in Concur within 30 days of completing your trip. Any reimbursements submitted after 90 days from the travel end date will become taxable income.
  2. For out-of-state and international trips, follow the Concur Job Aid: Travel & Hosting – Expense Report (Single Employee) to create an Expense Report from your previously approved Request.
  3. For in-state and local trips where a Request was not previously submitted/approved, follow the Concur Job Aid: Travel & Hosting – Expense Report (Single Employee)
  4. Concur Expense Reports must include the following:
    • Report / Trip Name: Conference name or brief description of trip
      • MLA 2022 Annual Meeting
      • Invited Talk at Univ of Michigan
      • Summer Research in France
    • Detailed Business Purpose / Benefit to the University: Detailed trip description
      • Present paper on <topic> at MLA 2022 Annual Meeting
      • Give invited talk on <topic> at Univ of Michigan
      • Conduct research in Paris, France, as part of French
      • Program Summer Research Travel Award for Graduate Students
  5. Itemized receipts must be attached for all expenses. An itemized receipt must show the transaction date, amount, vendor, description of item, and payment method. Receipts for air, rail, car rental, and lodging should also include the traveler's name.
  6. Hotel expenses must be itemized. Follow the Job Aid: Hotel Itemization for a step by step guide to itemizing your hotel expenses. The itemized costs can be found on your folio receipt obtained from the hotel at time of check-out.
  7. Per diem meal reimbursements do not require receipts. Meals provided at conferences or by the hosting institution are not reimbursable. These meals must be specified in Concur and will be subtracted from per diem being requested. Follow the Job Aid: Daily Meals Per Diem for a step by step guide on how to add per diem meals for reimbursement to your expense report.

Guest / Non-UMD Employee Travel (Process and Forms)

  1. Before the Trip:
    • SLLC hosting department/program fills out the SLLC Travel Approval Request Form and submits it to SLLC Travel Specialist via email 4 weeks prior to the travel start date.
    • SLLC Travel Specialist creates the Concur Travel Request and assists with travel arrangements such as flight, train, and hotel reservations.
  2. After the Trip:
    • Guest traveler fills out the SLLC Travel Reimbursement Request Form and submits it together with itemized receipts to SLLC Travel Specialist.
    • SLLC Travel Specialist processes a Concur Expense Report. Once approved, a summary of the Concur Expense Report and a Non-UMD Employee Notification letter will be sent to the traveler for verification. The letter specifies that travelers’ agreement with the accuracy of the Concur Expense Report is assumed in the absence of feedback from travelers by a certain date (usually within 5 days of the letter being sent).
  3. Accounts Payable processes payment to guest traveler in 4-6 weeks.

Concur Expense Report - Business Meal Reimbursement (Process & Job Aid)

  1. Follow the Concur Job Aid: Expense Report.
  2. Select “UMD Event Report” as the Report Type.
  3. Select "Local Business Meals" for Report/Trip Purpose.
  4. Concur Expense Reports must include the following:
    • Report / Trip Name: Event name
      • Book Presentation by A. Smith
      • SPAP TA Orientation Spring 2023
      • Maya Brin Residency Lecture 4/1/23
      • Dinner with guest speaker
    • Report / Trip Purpose: Local Business Meals
    • Report / Trip Type: In-State (No Overnight Stay)
    • Detailed Business Purpose: Detailed event description
      • Book presentation by SLLC Faculty Adam Smith on 3/15/23
      • SPAP TA Orientation Spring 2023 for new and returning TAs 
      • Maya Brin Residency Lecture by Alexei Kirilenko on 4/1/23
      • Dinner with invited guest speaker Adam Smith on 2/10/24
  5. NEW WITH WORKDAY: Company: (01) UMCP; Type: USource; Worktag#: First select "Either". Then search for new Worktag by using previous KFS # or ask Admin Affairs for the correct Worktag you should use if unsure.
  6. Select Add Expense and use Expense Type: Group Meals/Hosting < 10 Attendees
  7. Attach required documents:
    • Itemized receipt
    • Event flyer or announcement
    • List of attendees (name, title, affiliation)
  8. Add/Create a group of attendees to your report if more than 10 people attended the event. If less than 10 people were in attendance you will need to add each individual to the report. (Job Aid coming soon)
  9. A reimbursement request must be submitted within the fiscal year of the expense – i.e., prior to “second close” in mid-July.
  10. Once Expense Reports are submitted and approved, the reimbursement will be in your paycheck in 2-3 weeks.
  11. Please review University Policy and Dollar Guidelines for Business Meals

Tips for Approvers (Department & Program Heads / Supervisors)

  1. Follow Concur Job Aid: Tips for Approvers when approving Requests or Expense Reports.
  2. Approvers should be reviewing the following:
    • Worktag is correct.
    • Trip Name / Purpose and Detailed Business Purpose are entered and follow the SLLC guidelines (see applicable sections above).
    • Supporting documentation is attached, e.g., conference paper acceptance letters (for SLLC Travel Funding requests), itemized receipts, event flyers, and lists of attendees.
    • Expenses are allowable and reasonable and do not include personal travel days.
  3. Return Requests or Expense Reports to requestor for corrections if necessary.
  4. Approvers are able to make the following changes in Requests or Expense Reports: a) Change the Worktag #; b) Add attachments; c) Allocate/split individual expenses to multiple Worktags.
  5. SLLC QUICK GUIDE FOR APPROVERS - What to look for on Requests & Reports