William Falls Lecture: Christophe Schuwey

William Falls Lecture: Christophe Schuwey
Christophe Schuwey is Maître de conférences à l'Université de Bretagne-Sud. After earning his doctorate a the Université de Fribourg (Switzerland), he was Assistant Professor of French at Yale University from 2018-2022, when he accepted a position in the Department of Book History and Digital Humanities at the Université de Bretagne Sud. An expert in digital humanities, early modern journalism and the book trade, he is the author of Un entrepreneur des lettres au XVIIe siècle : Donneau de Visé, de Molière au Mercure galant (2020); Interfaces : l'apport des humanités numériques à la littérature (2019); and co-author of L'Atlas Molière (2022).
The lecture will be given remotely but we will gather in the JMZ 1205 for a watch party, followed by a reception in the Language House in St. Mary's Hall.