Documentary Screening - Taq Kasra: Wonder of Architecture

Documentary Screening - Taq Kasra: Wonder of Architecture
"Taq Kasra: Wonder of Architecture” is the first-ever documentary film on the world’s largest brick vault. The palace is a symbol of the Persian Empire in the Sasanian era (224-651 AD), when a major part of Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) was part of Persia (Iran).
Taq Kasra was in serious danger of ISIS attacks in 2014-2016 and this was the main motivation for documentary maker Pejman Akbarzadeh, based in the Netherlands, to travel to Iraq twice and film the arch before it was potentially destroyed. The documentary is produced by Persian Dutch Network, funded by Soudavar Memorial and Toos Foundations. Watch the trailer here.
This virtual screening and the Q&A with the director is organised by Roshan Institute and will be moderated by Dr. Marjan Moosavi.
Please join at the following zoom link: