Blackout in Gaza

Blackout in Gaza
Arabic | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies | College of Arts and Humanities | English | Roshan Institute for Persian Studies | School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures | The Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Thursday, March 27, 2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Tawes Hall,
Please join us for a talk by Professor Nadia Yaqub of UNC Chapel Hill. This talk is co-sponsored by WGSS, Persian Studies and Arabic Studies.
About the Speaker:
Nadia Yaqub's research has treated Arab cultural texts ranging from medieval literature and contemporary oral poetry to modern prose fiction and visual culture. Professor Yaqub's recent publications include Bad Girls of the Arab World (University of Texas Press 2017), a volume of essays co-edited with Rula Quawas, Palestinian Cinema in the Days of Revolution (University of Texas Press, 2018), a monograph about Palestinian cinema of the long 1970s, and Gaza on Screen (Duke University Press, 2023), an edited volume about film and media from and about the Gaza Strip.